Bluehost SSL Certificates: Everything You Need to Know

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As the internet becomes an increasingly important part of our lives, website security has become a top priority for both website owners and visitors. One of the most important ways to ensure website security is by using SSL certificates. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at SSL certificates and how Bluehost, a popular web hosting provider, can help you secure your website with SSL.

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What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that encrypts data that is transmitted between a web server and a web browser. When a user visits a website that uses SSL, their browser will establish a secure connection with the website’s server, ensuring that any data that is transmitted between the two is encrypted and secure.

Why are SSL Certificates Important?

SSL certificates are important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, they help to protect sensitive information that is transmitted over the internet, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information. Without SSL, this information would be vulnerable to interception by hackers.

In addition, SSL certificates can help to improve search engine rankings. Google has stated that SSL is a ranking factor, meaning that websites that use SSL may rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) than websites that do not.

Finally, SSL certificates can help to establish trust with website visitors. When visitors see the padlock icon in their browser’s address bar, they know that their connection is secure and that their information is being protected. This can help to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Bluehost SSL Certificates: Overview

Bluehost offers a number of SSL certificate options to its customers, including:

  1. Free SSL Certificate: Bluehost provides a free SSL certificate for all of its customers. This certificate is provided by Let’s Encrypt, a non-profit certificate authority, and is a good option for websites that do not handle sensitive information.

  2. Bluehost SSL: The Bluehost SSL certificate is a paid certificate that provides more advanced features, such as increased encryption and browser compatibility.

  3. Wildcard SSL: The Wildcard SSL certificate is a paid certificate that can be used to secure multiple subdomains on a single domain.

  4. EV SSL: The Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate is a paid certificate that provides the highest level of authentication and trust. Websites that use EV SSL certificates will display a green address bar in the user’s browser.

How to Install an SSL Certificate on Bluehost

Installing an SSL certificate on Bluehost is a relatively simple process. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Purchase an SSL certificate: If you want to use a paid SSL certificate, you’ll need to purchase one from Bluehost. You can do this through the Bluehost dashboard or by contacting customer support.

  2. Generate a CSR: A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is a file that you’ll need to generate in order to request your SSL certificate. You can generate a CSR through the Bluehost dashboard or by using a third-party tool.

  3. Submit your CSR: Once you’ve generated your CSR, you’ll need to submit it to the certificate authority (CA) that you’re using to purchase your SSL certificate. The CA will use the CSR to generate your SSL certificate.

  4. Install your SSL certificate: Once you’ve received your SSL certificate from the CA, you can install it on your Bluehost account. This can be done through the Bluehost dashboard or by contacting customer support.

  5. Configure your website: Finally, you’ll need to configure your website to use SSL. This can typically be done by updating your website’s URL to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.


SSL certificates are a crucial part of website security, and Bluehost offers a range of SSL certificate options to help you secure your website. 

Video Tutorial

Check out this video for more info about SSL

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Top General QAs About Bluehost

Is Bluehost good for beginners?

Absolutely YES! Bluehost hosting is one the most beginner friendly WordPress hosting company. With Bluehost you could automatically install WordPress when you will sign up.

Bluehost provides you the most popular panel in the world cPanel which allows you to manage your hosting account by yourself.

The company has a lot of help available with video tutorials, detailed guides, and articles that fits very well for beginners.

What Bluehost plan should I get?

For begginers and those who just starting out a new website/blog or online store, then we suggest starting with their basic shared hosting plan.

It is good enough for a starter and there is possibility always to upgrade later. Plus, you also have 24/7 access to their expert support via live chat and phone.

Is Bluehost good for WordPress site?

Bluehost is a popular hosting provider one of the largest hosting companies in the world for site owners using the self-hosted version of WordPress. Bluehost also officially recommended WordPress hosting provider and also another open-source platform.

It offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared, managed, VPS, and dedicated hosting, for individuals and businesses with different needs and budgets.

Bluehost’s platform is very well optimized for WordPress websites and defined to run WordPress at peak performance together with WordPress engineer’s support.

Bluehost have been supporting the WordPress community more than 20 years and know WordPress very well.

What people say about Bluehost

With bluehost for the last 12 months

I have been using Bluehost shared hosting for my business site for the last 12 months, and recently renewed my plan with them. It’s easy to get started online, and I appreciate their helpful emails and support team. I would recommend them to other small business owners looking for a reliable host with this company.

Bluehost is good to go

I think Bluehost is good to go. The interface of Bluehost is intuitive and easy to use. Their 24-hour support is very helpful and unique considering with the price that is unbelievably low. Also the integration with WordPress is perfect, the basic mail service is easy to use.

Host my personal blog with Bluehost

I use Bluehost services to host my personal blog.  I use WordPress, and Bluehost has a great deal with them, so it’s incredibly affordable. Their online tutorials or explanations are always pretty clear. I haven’t expirienced issues at all with Bluehost. I will continue to use Bluehost and enjoying their services!

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