Fiverr Review 2023: How it Works? Best Freelance Website?

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What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a global online marketplace that connects people with creative and professional services. It offers an online platform for freelancers to offer services starting at $5 per job, and for buyers to find creative professionals from around the world.

What Services Does Fiverr Offer?

Fiverr provides the following categories of services:

  • Marketing & Social Media (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Branding & Design (logo design, branding)
  • Video & Animation (animation videos, slideshow videos)
  • Writing & Translation (articles/blogs and copywriting/creative writing)
  • IT Support & Web (tech support, website design)
  • Music & Audio (advertisement music)
  • Photography & Painting (photography and digital paintings)
  • Illustration & Caricatures (hand-drawn illustrations and caricatures)
  • Event Management & Party Planning (party planners, event management – wedding planning – photo-shoot – party accessories – decoration – catering)
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How Fiverr Works?

Fiverr is a freelance website that connects freelancers with people who need their services. Freelancers can offer their services for as low as $5 per job, hence the name Fiverr. Jobs can range from things like logo design to more complicated tasks like audio editing.

Fiverr receives 20,000 new jobs each day and has over 3 million services offered by almost 10 million freelancers.

Still The Best Freelance Website?

Fiverr is definitely one of the best freelance websites available. The platform is easy to use and offers a great variety of services. The only downside is that some jobs can be quite low-paying, but this varies depending on the quality of the service.

The website is great for people looking for short-term gigs, but not necessarily if you are looking for a long-term freelance relationship. Overall, Fiverr is a great resource for anyone looking to outsource small tasks or projects.

happy freelancer woman

How To Sell On Fiverr?

If you want to sell on Fiverr, you first need to create a profile. This is very easy to do, and only takes a few minutes. Once you have created your profile, you need to list the services you offer. You can then set your price for these services.

It is important to note that Fiverr takes a 20% cut from all service listed on their website. In addition to that, there are also other fees for services depending on the country you live in.

What Makes Fiverr Unique?

What makes Fiverr unique is that it offers a wide range of services starting at just $5. This makes Fiverr affordable for people who might not be able to afford large-scale marketing campaigns.

For instance, instead of spending thousands on a full-blown marketing campaign, you could hire a digital marketer on Fiverr to run a targeted social media campaign for just $5.

How Can Fiverr Be Used?

In our example above, a digital marketer on Fiverr can be used to run targeted social media campaigns for a small business.

Businesses can hire Fiverr users to run Facebook and Instagram ads, create YouTube videos, do SEO work, write web content, handle email marketing campaigns, create infographics, and much more.

If you want to spend a little more money on the services listed above, you can hire a user on Fiverr to do all of the above.

fiverr freelancer services

What Are Buyers Saying About Fiverr?

Buyers on the Fiverr platform have generally been happy with the quality of services received, with 84% of buyers stating that they would recommend Fiverr to others.

Positive feedback has cited the affordability and convenience of the platform as well as the high quality of services delivered.

Negative feedback has included complaints about communication issues, slow service and too many revisions. However, in the majority of cases communication was found to be excellent and revisions were not excessive.

What Are Sellers Saying About Fiverr?

Sellers on the platform have generally been happy with the quality of work they receive from buyers, with 86% of sellers stating that they would recommend Fiverr to others.

Feedback has found that buyers appreciate the low cost and high quality of services sold on Fiverr, and that communication is excellent between both parties.

Negative feedback for sellers has included complaints about slow delivery times and lack of responses from buyer inquiries. However, it was found that in both cases these issues were due to buyer preferences rather than deficiencies with the Fiverr platform.

How Many People Use Fiverr?

As of August 2018, Fiverr had 29 million registered users worldwide with 2 million service providers on its online marketplace. The average order is $25 across most categories using Fiverr’s service.

In 2017, Fiverr earned $110 million from its 1.5-million user base in the United States and a further $230 million from a global marketplace that spans 180 countries. In total, users have earned a cumulative total of more than $1 billion since the platform was launched eight years ago.

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What Does the Future Hold for Fiverr?

As a result of its impressive growth, Fiverr was ranked as the fastest growing company in Israel by Deloitte in 2018. The company is now valued at $1 billion and continues to grow at a rapid pace.

It has plans to expand its services even further, with a new focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning to help provide even better services to its users.

Pros and cons

There are a few pros to using Fiverr:

  • It is easy to use
  • It is cheap and affordable
  • The website has a wide range of services with different prices to choose from that fit into everyone’s budget

There are a few cons to using Fiverr:

  • You may not always get what you expect
  • Some services may not be high quality
  • There is no customer service line, so if you are unhappy with a purchase you made or have a question, you have to contact the seller directly
freelancer woman working from home

Reviews for Fiverr are not always real. Be careful!

When you’re looking to buy a product or service online, one of the first places you might look is on review sites like Fiverr. After all, who wouldn’t want to hear what other people have had to say about a particular company or product before making a purchase?

However, it’s important to be aware that not all reviews on Fiverr are legitimate. In fact, it’s quite common for companies to hire people to write fake reviews for them. These reviews might be positive or negative, but either way, they’re not likely to be honest opinions from real customers.

Before you decide to purchase a product or service on Fiverr, it’s important that you take the time to read through any available reviews and only then decide if they’re written by real customers.

When it comes to choosing a service provider on Fiverr, there’s no better way to make an informed decision than by reading reviews from past customers. Just be sure to watch out for fake reviews!

working lady from home
Learn More and Sign Up Now with Fiverr

Fiverr Pricing

The pricing for services on Fiverr starts at $5. However, you can set your own price for services if you are a seller on the website. You cannot provide a service for less than $5, but you can set the price for your services higher.

Sellers on Fiverr are not charged any fees for their services. They only pay when they make a sale.

Buyers on Fiverr are not charged any fees for their purchases.

Is Fiverr a Scam?

There are many people who are unsure about whether or not Fiverr is a scam. The truth is that Fiverr is not a scam. It is a legitimate website that offers services starting at $5.

Tips for Avoiding Scams On Fiverr

There are many reasons why people use Fiverr, including that it’s a great way to get started in selling services, and that it’s a great way to make some extra money on the side.

However, Fiverr can also be a great way to scams. This is because it’s easy to set up a fake profile and offer fake services.

Here’s what you need to do to avoid scams on Fiverr:

  1. Look for some reviews of the seller before you buy from them
  2. Look at the seller’s profile and see what kind of reviews they’ve been getting
  3. Do not hand over your credit information or any other sensitive information
  4. Look for the Verified Logo on the seller’s page to ensure that they are really who they say they are
  5. If you have any doubt, do not buy from them
  6. Look for a money-back guarantee with your purchase
  7. If possible, buy from people with a long history of sales on Fiverr
  8. Familiarize yourself with the Fiverr scam prevention tips

Hopefully, this article has given you a good idea of what to look for when buying from sellers on Fiverr, and what to avoid.


Overall, Fiverr is a great website for finding cheap services and for entrepreneurs starting out who want to test the waters and see if they are interested in working online. The website is easy to use, has a wide range of services, and is affordable.

However, there could be potential issues with the quality of services you receive from someone or a seller could be difficult to reach if you have a question or concern. It is always important to do your research before purchasing a service to ensure that you are getting what you expect. Fiverr is a great website.

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